Meet the Owner of GarageExperts® of Northern New Jersey

Hi, I'm Brett Simon, local owner of GarageExperts® of Northern New Jersey. I was born and raised here in Rockland County, just a few minutes from northern New Jersey. I currently reside in New City, NY with my wife Monica, my son Jacob and our mixed breed rescue, Max.
I am known by my friends as being a jack of all trades. I love challenges. I am constantly learning new skills. If I don’t know how to do something, I read, research and asks the experts. I always figure it out and walk away with new information and know how for the next time.
For the last 20 years I have owned and operated a large commercial detailing business employing more than 20 full time guys. During this time I also owned several other car care related businesses.
I love spending time with my wife Monica and our son Jacob. Additionally, I enjoy building and home renovations. Whether its renovating our home or building a custom furniture piece, I am quite content creating things with my hands and spending time in my garage working on projects.
I also love working with and around cars. This passion for spending time caring for customers vehicles, as well as my own, had me spending a lot my work time and free time inside of garages. Garage experts was a perfect fit for my love of vehicles and passion for creating and building beautiful spaces.