Meet the Owner of GarageExperts® of Kansas City

Brought up in two small rural towns in Southern Wisconsin just outside of Madison, came the marriage of two high school sweethearts setting out with big dreams and big plans to concur the world. Spending over ten years in the Turfgrass/Lawn Care industry and another 3 years of successful District sales management in the automotive equipment industry in Wisconsin, we moved to Northern California to manage over the 8 state Pacific Northwest Region. After 10 years in California, opportunities presented themselves back in the Midwest here in Kansas City that included international, overseas activities and over 90 million dollars in corporate sales management responsibilities.
After nearly 34 years of marriage and raising two children; a son who graduated from the University of North Dakota in Air Traffic Control and now serving in the US Army National Guard and a beautiful daughter with special needs actively competing in the Special Olympics, Mary and I realized we have spent the majority of our lives working to make our employers wealthy but not having anything to show for it ourselves. With having over 25 years in the automotive industry and a life time of construction-based hobbies, I believe GarageExperts® offers services and products that are a perfect fit to my personality and with the help of my wife Mary… Together, we embark upon this NEW Venture!